
Core values:

Focus on customer needs and prioritize striving for excellence

1. Continuously developing customers, exploring customer needs, addressing customer pain points, and meeting customer needs are the reasons for the company's survival. We are committed to creating optimal solutions to meet customer needs.
2. Strugglers are value contributors who continuously create value for customers. The sustainable development of the company comes from those who strive. Strugglers are our only wealth, and the distribution of the company's interests will always lean towards those who strive.


Provide high-quality products to create value for customers

1. High quality is our ultimate pursuit of products and business, and products are the carrier of our craftsmanship spirit. Treating them with care and forging high-quality products is our attitude.
2. Continuously innovate and improve for customer success, and continuously create value for customers by providing competitive products and services.


Becoming a professional, efficient, continuously innovative, and pursuing excellence company

1.We focus on three fields: medical packaging, medical devices, and high-performance film materials, and are committed to creating three professional platforms to provide ultimate products and efficient services with professional capabilities.
2. Innovation is the source of vitality for our organization. We are committed to management innovation, product innovation, and service innovation, and we pursue continuous improvement and small innovations.
3. The pursuit of excellence is the driving force for us to continuously improve our work. Becoming a company with excellent management and achieving sustainable development is our ideal and pursuit.



公司总机:+86 631 5705758
招聘:+86 631 5705758  
手机:+86 631 5703 856 ,+86 133 3630 6226
地址:No.29 Shihai Road, Chucun Town, Torch Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone, Weihai, 264210 Shandong, P.R. CHINA
Company switchboard:+86 631 5705758
Recruitment telephone:+86 631 5705758  
Tel:+86 631 5703 856 ,+86 133 3630 6226    Website:http://henghuiauto.com/?lang=en
Address:No.29 Shihai Road, Chucun Town, Torch Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone, Weihai, 264210 Shandong, P.R. CHINA
Henghui (Weihai) Automation Equipment Co., Ltd 版权所有      鲁ICP备2023020948号-1